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Your Favorite Italy Moments

Whether you are planning your next trip to Bella Italia soon, remembering a wonderful holiday or creating that Italian feeling at home: Join us and show us Italy through your eyes!

Social-Media-Team — 25. April 2023

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Sun, Riviera, art, architecture, fashion or cuisine – when you think of Italy, where does your mind go first? Its picturesque landscapes and historic sights attract millions of visitors every year.

Carlo Naya, Venedig: Blick auf Markusbibliothek, Campanile und Dogenpalast, um 1875, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Public Domain

Ever watched the gondoliers of Venice at work like Carlo Naya, or even sailed along?

The image of “Bella Italia” has been shaped not least by photographs. What was an elaborate craft reserved only for experts 150 years ago is now a snapshot that is part of every trip. This is one of the reasons why the historic photographs in the current exhibition “Images of Italy” seem so familiar.

#ITALIENVORAUGEN – Join in and share your moments with us!

Why are the Colosseum in Rome and the domes of Florence so instantly recognizable? Photographs of landmarks are etched in our collective memory. If you've ever been to Pisa, you probably have a photo of the Leaning Tower on your smartphone.

Giorgio Sommer, Florenz Neptunbrunnen, ca 1860-1870, Städel Museum, Public Domain

Who, like Giorgio Sommer, has been to Florence and has a photo of the Fountain of Neptune?

Now we invite you to share your memories and pictures with us! We want to know what places you have visited, which moments of pleasure evoke the Italian flair and which experiences stand out in your mind. Simply use the hashtag #italienvoraugen on Instagram so that we can see your photos and stories.

Giorgio Sommer, Amalfi: Uferpromenade, um 1860–1870, Albuminpapier auf Karton, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Public Domain

Who has been lucky enough to take a walk along the Amalfi Coast?

Be inspired by the historic photographs in the current exhibition! The best photos will be published on our Instagram channel and five lucky winners will receive the exhibition catalogue to dream about. Join us and let's celebrate the beauty of Italy together!

Share your photos on Instagram using the hashtag #italienvoraugen and take part!

For even more inspiration, check out the Digital Collection.


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