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The Making of an Exhibition

How did the largest exhibition in the history of the Städel Museum come about? Find out at our exclusive community event on 1 November: Alone together in #MakingVanGogh – apply for one of the coveted tickets!

Social-Media-Team — 27. September 2019

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VanGogh has over two million hits on Instagram – Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is probably one of the most famous and popular artists of our time. There are Van Gogh socks and trainers, Van Gogh bags, rubber ducks, animated films and art prints in all possible and impossible designs. But the greatest fascination is still the encounter with the original – Van Gogh’s moving painting style remains unique.

The Exhibition

From 23 October 2019 on, the large-scale exhibition MAKING VAN GOGH at the Städel Museum will tell the story of the origins of the ‘myth of Van Gogh’ around 1900 and of his special position as a role model for the Expressionists and a pioneer of modern painting in Germany. How did Van Gogh become so popular especially in Germany? Who supported his work? And how did artists react to him? In the early twentieth century, Van Gogh posthumously inspired an entire generation of young German artists with his painting. His works were presented in exhibitions, appreciated by private collectors, discussed by critics and acquired by museums, including the Städel.

With fifty key works by Van Gogh, the exhibition is the most comprehensive show of the artist’s works in Germany in nearly twenty 20 years. Van Gogh’s art enters into a dialogue with works by Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, Wassily Kandinsky, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and many others.


The Event

Get close to Van Gogh, away from the crowds – you can get this unique opportunity here! On Friday, 1 November at 7:30 pm, we will host an exclusive community event for Instagramers, Twitterers and Bloggers in the exhibition MAKING VAN GOGH. The theme of the evening: ‘The Making of an Exhibition’. Not only will you find out how the Städel realised the largest and most opulent show in its history, but you will also be able to ask our experts about everything you ever wanted to know about how exhibitions are made: When does the first planning phase begin? How do you convince other museums to lend you their valuable paintings? How do works of art from all over the world get to Frankfurt? And which other tasks lie behind creating an exhibition? Take a look behind the scenes of the museum and immerse yourself in the world of Vincent van Gogh.

One highlight of the evening in the exhibition is a get-together in our pop-up bar. Here you can meet online friends, new social media and art fans and of course us. ;) We look forward to a lively exchange with you!

How to Apply

If you want to be part of it, send us a direct message via Instagram, Twitter or e-mail with your name and your social media handle to by 13 October. We’ll let you know if you won one of the coveted tickets. Important: You don’t have to have millions of followers to participate! It’s an evening for and with you, our community! We look forward to a great evening together!

The Social Media Team looks forward to your contributions under the Hashtags #MakingVanGogh and #Staedel – of course, not only at the Community Event.

If you already want to get in the mood for the exhibition, we recommend our Digitorial® and our new podcast series FINDING VAN GOGH. In search of the legendary ‘Portrait of Dr Gachet’.


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